Friday, April 24, 2009

The comfort zone

"I have known great love. At various levels - at its most evocative, its most poetic, its most humourous, its most heroic and its most heart-breaking. I have felt the moments of lightness that falling in love brings. I have felt the spiritual epiphanies that keep human relationships going. I have wrapped my legs around the smoky, sultry, hazy, smooth comfort of love on cold nights. I have slow-danced to those soft percolative rhythms that hearts beating in harmony make. I have marvelled at the infinite beauty and yet, the irrepressible fragility of it all.

Now, through a pint glass, darkly, I have seen contempt and affection cancel each other out, as familiarity grew. Sometimes, I have felt I have a bigger propensity to err than I thought I did. Other times I have felt, after I'd done all I can, standing on the steps with my heart in my hand, that maybe its got nothing to do with me. I have realized that listening to music is intense for me, with the abundance of tiny wisdoms that surrogate older brothers and uncles like Al Green, Kurt Cobain and Lou Reed offer, whilst morbidly ruminating about love and life. I have spotted little grey blocks of literature in places I never expected, that conceal tales of love stolen away too soon. I see people with all kinds of reactions - wry, sardonic, depressed, tragic romantic. Practical.

Love is a battlefield. Love is tender trap. Love is like oxygen - you get too much, you get too high, not enough and you're going to die. Love bites, love bleeds, love is the drug. But with the realization that love never dies comes true balance."

And then, he smiled and sat around with a beam of peace over his head, calmly gathering knowledge and pleasure from all the flowers that still grew around him.

Sounds of the moment:

Angie - The Rolling Stones
Inside of Love - Nada Surf
Black - Pearl Jam
How to save a life - The Fray
Move on - Jet


Anonymous babis said...

is so proud to know you.

lots and pots and plenty of love.

9:08 pm, April 26, 2009  
Anonymous Adi said...

Awesome stuff.

A few more words, and you'd have two wings in addition to the beam of peace around your head.

11:50 am, April 28, 2009  
Blogger Nikhil said...

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2:49 pm, April 29, 2009  
Anonymous Nikhil said...

Nice one dude :)

2:52 pm, April 29, 2009  
Blogger Enthu Cutlet said...

Pretty intense. "With the realization that love never dies comes true balance." - is the absolute truth :)

Angie, they can't say you never tried.

1:43 am, May 02, 2009  
Blogger Manu said...

babis: :) many thanks ra re!

Adi: That sounds a lot like a Red Bull ad! Gracias amigo!

Yenkill: "ok ra"!

EC: Trust old Micky to have said it all! :)

12:34 pm, May 04, 2009  
Blogger arvindiyer said...

*wonders if you were levitating when you wrote this one*.

Wah wah wah. What a lovely post sarji. Intense and wonderful choice of words.

8:51 am, May 13, 2009  
Blogger Unknown said...

It left me smiling with the smallest catch in my throat :)... So glad your back to writing M.

2:34 pm, May 13, 2009  
Blogger WhiteNight said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:40 pm, July 13, 2009  
Blogger Jazminwilss said...

Thanks for provide good article post..

1:13 pm, May 03, 2010  
Anonymous Medical Tourism Malaysia said...

A real comfort zone.

11:48 am, May 09, 2011  

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