Saturday, January 07, 2006

Two Thousand and Six ways to logic.

Now in building of chaises, I tell you what,

There is always somewhere a weakest spot,—
In hub, tire, felloe, in spring or thill,
In panel, or crossbar, or floor, or sill,
In screw, bolt, thoroughbrace,—lurking still,
Find it somewhere, you must and will,—
Above or below, or within or without,—
And that's the reason, beyond a doubt,
A chaise breaks down, but doesn't wear out.

But the Deacon swore (as Deacons do,
With an "I dew vum," or an "I tell yeou,")
He would build one shay to beat the taown
'n' the keounty 'n' all the kentry raoun';
It should be so built that it could n' break daown;
—"Fur," said the Deacon, "'t 's mighty plain
Thut the weakes' place mus' stan' the strain;
'n' the way t' fix it, uz I maintain,
Is only jest
T' make that place uz strong uz the rest."

Would you believe it if I said I bumped into this piece of Oliver Wendell Holmes in an engineering text book?
Yes, poems are back to confound me from other more irrepressibly reflective blogs onto my fuckin text books!
Lets just say The Deacon's Masterpiece or the Wonderful One-Hoss Shay didn't magically make 'design for reliability' a delightful concept to study at 1 a.m in the night.
Exam-time angst eh? You can say that again!

In other news, S was in town and was gracious enough to buy me a cake fudge AND theusualsuspects.dvd! Ofcourse there were such surreal conversations as:

Me: I don't like ice-creams so much. And don't even get me started on chocolates.
S: What are you? Just what are you??
Me: Why, I'm a homo-sapien ofcourse.
S: You're not even a human. Fuck its scientific name!

Ah, nice times.
Managed to squeeze in another smaal blaag meet in between all the exam tenshun. Highlighted primarily by unclever puns like "waat-eet-eez", "what titties!", "manuage a twa" and the like.

Happy new year all!

P.S: Would you say the change in template:
a. Seemed so routine that you rolled your eyes,
b. Made you let out a shriek and go, "Whaa..??",


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You missed out the talk on a new religion which Wabbster (and now me) are propagating through the influence of our cerebral impulses... Nice post (second bit, cos I didn't understand the first.) And you also missed out my dialogues - "S! You've become FAT!" Heh!

And yeah, option B... :-) The difference is that I went "What the Faaaaaa?"

7:05 pm, January 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, template did many many things to me:
a) good shit!
b) good shit! must be decent googling, or decent-er HTMLing
c) good shit! following exam, mostly failing?


happy new yr to you too, manudo.
yes, S's visit was too much! :-)

fuck you, AC bitch!
I initiated it. Chumma don't steal my thunder!

9:28 pm, January 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooper template maga! Nice work! Even though your writings are far above my below average intellect, I enjoyed the template :D

4:42 pm, January 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

c. Is very nice :-)

All the best for the exams.

5:56 pm, January 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the template raacks.
question. don't you have exams?
aalsu, i think the poetry's planning to follow you till you get it.

ps. whee! a whole half a post featuring S! (Featuring S.. sounds like a sitcom or suchlike :p)

7:11 pm, January 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear arcane.
*points to tomak*
no weight here, see?
just healthy fat.

ps. it's fun, being two people. hee.

7:14 pm, January 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AC: New religion? Show mey! Looks like i did miss a lot of fun that day. And 'what the faa..' is a even better a reaction than i expected!

Finch: Thanks a bunch yo! Best part is that workin on the template actually helped me for the exam! Yes decent html et al!

Srini: ah thx buddy. glad ya liked it. Not understanding my writings is jus fancy for sayin they suck. Irli bidu!

S: It does look like a sitcom yeah! Healthy fat...well vokay! You are really into this two-people thing. lol!

4:52 pm, January 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NS: thanks! happy new year!

4:53 pm, January 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you're waiting for 10 comments?

thoo ninajji


7:03 pm, January 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:46 am, January 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:15 am, January 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SF: hoon kaney. swalpa busy. ishtralle barithini.

girl: a girl, on my blog, and sticking her tongue out! dont tell me it gets any better than this! hey wot up!

wabby anna: i see u've gone for option b. heh!

1:05 pm, January 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey manu,
belated new year wishes!
how did exams go?
mine sucked donkey balls :(

12:20 am, January 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

loved the template!

12:21 am, January 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meghna: thankee. donkey balls eh? yes, a fabulous way to begin to describe how my exams went too. belated new year wishes to you too. how're the hols comin?

2:51 pm, January 28, 2006  

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