Thursday, June 02, 2005

Like leavened dough layest thou

"Wyak" is about the best word there is to describe that morbidly reflective state I tend to go into right after my birthday.
This, when I can quite simply take the red pill and go on with the flow....not stopping to think about my 'accomplishments' in life and how ridiculously few and far between they've been.

That that will ALWAYS come back and kick me in the butt is but Zen.
If not, that sentence will immedietely make me think again.

So, to avoid all such hara-kiri, I've decided to embrace Carpe Diem.
I might also graduate on to Carpe MaƱana which is Spanish for 'seize tomorrow' as opposed to 'seize the day'.
As unprecedented as it is, this sort of future orientation might just serve me better in this alarmingly changing world. Haha, genius no?

Yes, no list of depressing excuses for harping about my potential non-existence this time round!
Singer once said:
"We have to believe in freewill. We've got no other choice."

Rush have gone and compounded that with:
"I will choose a path much clear, I will choose Freewill."

I think I've decided to take their word for it!

I'd like to believe my birthday was fun. The money I had could've bought me any of the following:

a. A good pair of shoes
b. A Signature acoustic guitar
c. An annual membership at the best library in town
d. A truckload of pirated music
e. A Yezdi rear-wheel and a Shogun handle for Angie

That I went for choice 'a' sums up the anticlimax thats my life.
Waddaya know, I did it again...faargh!

No peace,
Mr. Broke Bond, the Realist.

P.S: The name might just succeed in putting off people from asking me to 'treat' them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am curios .,..what is so special about the shoes that you chose it over all these options???? Or was the salesgirl in the showroom THAT good....
btw go to
See the flash animation there..

3:57 am, June 03, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

dude - i was shaved off close to 2000 bucks for that treat for no special reason thingy. so - for your last line... THINK AGAIN!!!!

10:14 am, June 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the wall? Where is the wall?? ***AC goes to the wall and bangs his head repeatedly***

8:57 pm, June 03, 2005  
Blogger Manu said...

@sf: yes me. *sigh*

@prateek: this shoe has an in-built chick beeps if there's a babe within a 450.86 mts radius. wtfdude is GOD!!

9:39 pm, June 03, 2005  
Blogger Manu said...

@srini: unlike me, ur very existence if something to celebrate about. plus, u make a crap lot of money!

@AC: but wait, thats just a brick u r banging ur head against!

**addendumb: this shoe landed me a date for the shut up,all!**

9:43 pm, June 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooooooooohhhhhh.... So whatever happened to the 7 girls who were madly in love with you? or was it 9?

10:19 am, June 04, 2005  
Blogger Manu said...

@ac: it was 9..hehe! secret 9 btw...eff u, kuwaiti-krusher!

5:44 pm, June 04, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that...In my lingo, it will be called as peaceful writing. The sad bit about having buddays when u are old is that people think it is bad to give you money.

Bah...I still prefer money as my budday gifts.

I'm pathetic.

7:02 pm, June 04, 2005  
Blogger Manu said...

@ashwin: my sentiments exactly...I'm soon gonna do a song called "Money CAN buy me love!"
how was mumbai btw..

6:47 pm, June 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AC, he told me eleven.

Some dead guy said some thing to the effect of for the first twenty years of your life you make plans, the next ten years you're too busy having fun, at thirty you begin to feel you're too old to accomplish anything.

Hah. I'm not even going to MAKE them plans. SIMPLE as that.

9:33 pm, June 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oho... so we have conflicting versions... Out with the truth Manu...

8:57 am, June 06, 2005  
Blogger Manu said...

@sita: what if 'feeling too old to accomplish anything' is ur idea of fun.

faargh, too much lateral thinking. I need it to evade all the magnetism actually..;)

@ac: kuwait is so pretty man! the last time i'd bn there...

**wasnt that waay too imbecile??**

4:51 pm, June 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I was beginning to think Broke Bond was an attempt at a spoof on Brooke Bond.

Why, no idea.

8:31 pm, June 06, 2005  
Blogger A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

Finch: He blew up 4 digits in order to cover 5 :)

9:51 pm, June 06, 2005  
Blogger Manu said...

@mandarin: nah...thats not it...:D

@chrys: i shud've taken off the list from this that the onus'd have been on the other beautiful lines dammit!
how u bn,satch??!

9:56 pm, June 06, 2005  

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