Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It is painful sometimes how the semi-literate older generation use the word 'foreign'. You can almost invariably tell they mean USA when they say 'foreign'.
Bob and me have resolved to be silently rebellious about this and speak of 'foreign' as Westman Islands from now on. We either have major issues with the US or with just getting old.

Still on the whole 'western' affair, you know you are in fabulous company if you look at the West Indies scorecard and say something to the effect of them being the Kings Of Collapso rather than Kings Of Calypso and have your friends rolling in laughter about it.

Damn, I might just have a drinking problem.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh? Drinking problem aa? It's more like ***thought of something to say, but forgot*** Damn... I am sleepy...

10:58 pm, May 17, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah da, me too. I habe RedBull drinking issues and I'm bimbed in the skull after 5 RedBulls. So bombed. Bummed also.

12:54 am, May 18, 2005  
Blogger A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

The only drinking problem is unavailability of drinks. If that happens contact me. Quoting Hawkeye Pierce "I know a red on the black market who gets me green olives"

2:09 pm, May 18, 2005  
Blogger Manu said...

@AC: maga, get some sleep...or some beer...wotever..:D! how was math btw?

@SF: oh tell me abt it! from the looks of things, seems like u have issues too! **hi-five!**

@ashwin: sorry da...that doesnt earn my pity. '5 red bulls' is just euphemism for para-fuckin-dise yaw! Its like ur FLYING IN A BLUE DREAM after the whole MYSTICAL POTATO HEAD GROOVE THING...har har! **hail the Satch-magic!!**

@chrys: lol...in that case, i think its the unavailability...:P...superawesome quote btw..lmao!

7:49 pm, May 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update the site raaaa !

6:01 pm, May 19, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A true spiritual orgasm, isnt it :D

6:02 pm, May 19, 2005  
Blogger Manu said...

@ashwin: darned internals maga....in hell till monday...fuggin..

6:05 pm, May 20, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

today's tuesday!

9:18 am, May 24, 2005  

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